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Saturday, July 23, 2005

One step closer

GOP star to get chip implant

By clicking on the aboved link, you can follow up on an article on Tommy Thompson and the implanted chip. this brings to mind two events in my life. The first was a sermon 30 years ago in which evangelist Ron Comfort explained in detail how the Anti Christ would implant a mark on either the hand or forehead ( REV 13) and a person would be required to have their hand scanned ad that mark would be connected to their bank account.During the time known as the great tribulation we would have a cashless society I marveled as to how that could ever be possible. Next was 20 years ago at a gas station when it was proudly announced on the gas pumps how that in only a few years your credit card ( soon to be debit card) would be directly connected to your bank account and that you could be cash free !! Now we are truly one step away from the evangelist's prediction from the book of Revelation coming true. From what is said in the article we can expect years of conditioning as to how it is "normal" to have a chip. we can all see how we have converted to the debit cards and a cashless society with no force put upon us. some might say that they would never allow a chip or mak to be put on their body. That may be true for now but as the stigma for body marks ( have you noticed how tattoos are acceptable now?) and chip and implants goes away we will all be faced with that choice. I am so glad that current true believers will not have to make that choice during the reign of the future Antichrist.

Rev 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

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