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Thursday, February 12, 2009

David : The red headed sheep- herder prepared to be King

God does not do anything by chance. In I Samuel 16 we read of a young red headed sheep herder coming into the presence of the ancient Judge Samuel. Having been disappointed by seven of Jesse's sons. each of theseyoung men were probably champions in their on right. The oldest Eliab would never be king but he did become the equivalent of governor. Three of these joined the army and went into combat. No Jesse and His wife raised winners but only one would be King. That was the one the world would have thought least likely to be a ruler.

David was not King by chance. God sovereignly chose him for that place of power and responsiblility. It is amazing how that God's sovereign choice was extremely well prepared for the position of King in training ( thats the first place daivid was placed in.). In this chapter thater are at least 12 critical descriptions of his preparation. They are as follows:

  1. ruddy
  2. beautiful contenance
  3. good to look to
  4. youngest
  5. sheep keeper
  6. a man
  7. cunning harp player
  8. a mighty valiant man
  9. a man of war
  10. prudent in matters
  11. comley person
  12. The Lord was with Him
Even though he wasnt ready to assume the proper position he was well qualified to be the King!
Many a young man dreams of great things but never prepares for the position. when young David came to the house at the request of his father little did he know that the years of preparation in the fields would lead to years of great responsibily in the palace of a King.

There is an old adage in life that says that in life that it is a good thing to "have luck". But most people observe that the harder they work and prepare the "luckier" they get! Sounds alot like a certain little red headed sheep herder in I Samuel

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