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Monday, February 16, 2009

Remember now.....

We would all like to think that when we draw our last breath that our last words would do with the idea of no regrets , Im glad I did, and I'm ready to pass over to the other side. Bro. Harter has been preaching from Ecc 12. It has been excellent. It is a warning for the young and a comtemplation fo the old.

The warning for Sundays sermon was the danger of a wrong marriage. Solemn was explicitly warned of the dangers of His marriage practices yet He ignored them and when He was old he paid a dear price. I remeber reading of Tertullian the church father doing the same thing.

This am on the way to work Allister Begg was preaching on ECC and about the man who could buy it all. And ALL never satisfies. Reminds me of the song Only Jesus Satisfies Your Soul.

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