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Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am shocked ....

The mass murders in Germany were a terrible tragedy and we should pray for the families. I was shocked at the situation but not the murders but that the German official would have the backbone to use lethal force in dealing with the criminal. I'm confident though that these police officers will undergo sensitivity training so that next time the poor monster will get his trial and life in prison. Ans he will probably only kill 15 - 20 more

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The power of music

Like most things today there are 1000's of books out there by "experts". It seems I have missed out on millions by not writing a book. Thus are the musings on the dangers of the wrong kind of music and the power of the right kind of music.

When King Saul suffered from the evil spirit his counselors knew that the right kind of music could sooth the king and actually restore his ability to function. This has been known since the beginning of time. Music can affects us in many ways. Restaurants use it control the amount of food one eats and the speed in which they eat it. It can be used for crowd control. Have you ever came out of a place of business singing a song and you had no idea where it came from? Try to say the words of you favorite songs without the music. That can be tough.

How about the wrong kind of music? You know Satan does not nor has he ever played fair. He will use any means necessary to capture you. I do not believe we need to expose ourselves to the bad music of the world so that we can know how to avoid it. the Bible tells us: Eph 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; We need to focus on that and avoid the world's music as much as we can. We dont need to study the counterfeit in order to know the real. We ned to master the true Godly music that is out there. Learn of Wesley and Watts and others like them. They offer a lifetime of a Godly influence that can buils your faith and walk with the Lord

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Annnouncements March 7


Sunday Night Fellowship
March 8 – Pizza

March 15 – Potluck

Upcoming Events
Video night – Mar. 10, Tues.
Bob Ellis – Mar. 29 p.m.
Forth of July Program – June 28
IBLP Seminar – July 27-Aug.1

Senior Day Out!
Monday, March 9
Meet at the church at 10:00 a.m.
We will be going to Cracker Barrel for lunch and then return
to the church for dessert and an informal talk with Bro. Ron
Dudley on wills and such for seniors.

Order of service March 7 2009

MARCH 8, 2009
Instrumental Prelude
Hymn 4……………………....…..”To God Be the Glory”
Opening Prayer
Hymn 514…..………..…”When We All Get to Heaven”
Hymn 518.…..…...…….”Shall We Gather at the River”
Shake Hands
Hymn 520………………….....….”O That Will Be Glory”
Message…………...…..”Remember Now Thy Creator”
Invitation 325………………………”Whiter Than Snow”
Closing Prayer
MARCH 8, 2009
Instrumental Prelude
Hymn 447…………………………...…”Trust and Obey”
Hymn 424………………….……..…”Heavenly Sunlight”
Message…………………………...…..……..Bro. Dewey
Invitation 317……………..……..……...”Only Trust Him”
Closing Prayer

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Speaking of Grace

when I thought of my last post I remebered this video on Amazing Grace. What can I say it is amazing...

Friday, March 06, 2009

If all we had ......

Ever notice how the hymn Amazing Grace never gets old? This is one of the signs of a classic. This song is over 200 years old but it still sends chills up my spine every time I hear it. Every denomination claims it as their own. Every one who hears it for the first time says Where did that song come from?

One preacher asked a question what if we were stranded on a deserted island ands the only book we had to live by was the Bible. How would we live if we guided our lives only by it's dictates? On the same hand a comment made by "A mighty Fortress" on the previous post got me to thinking what if the only music we listened to was the Classic hymns of the faith.

Most of these songs where written by men such as Wesley, Watts, Luther, Toplady .... These men were preachers who knew the word of God. Many of their were sermons written in meter form... Just think the change in ones life who read only the Bible ... who sang only the hymns .... Wow!

Good comment A Mighty Fortress

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Depression in scripture

The word depression does not appear in the scripture but the scripture is full of examples of people suffering from it. From the Patriarchs to the Apostles all experienced this malady.

Some things I have observed in doing my study on King Saul and the evil spirit which seems to be a depression causing spirit, that should help us deal with depression

First, depression is primarily a spiritual issue. Saul suffered from this because of the choices he made. This is not always the case but it should be on of the first questions that we ask. Lord is this a result of sin in my life.

Secondly, this was a spiritual issue that had an outside influence. What has happened to all the demons of depression? They there in Davids day. When Jesus healed He also dealt with real live demons that were out to hurt people. I do believe that there are physical causes to depression that can be outside of our control but I wonder if there are alot of people out there with an evil spirit oppressing them and the drugs in their system are masking a spiritual problem that they are now unable to deal with because they are under the influence of a narcotic.

Third, the power of music can never be underestimated. I believe that music is one of the strongest opiates out there for either good or bad . Just try to take away some kids rock music from him or her. Saul's counselors recognised this power and found just the right person to help him with his evil spirit.

Finally, David was a mans man but it was music that gained him entrance into the King's palace.

Monday, March 02, 2009

A hasty evening service

After spending the day playing in 4 - 5 inch snow I was gettig ready to settle down to a short nap when low and behold it was decided to have evening service. There werent many there but the service was a special blessing . Bro Harter spoke on King Amaziah I love reading and hearing about the Kings. For 35 years I have sat and listened to Bro, Harter and it never ceases to amaze me how he can pull out something new. Our lives are the result of the sovereingty and providence of God and the choices we make. king Amaziah was given great gifts and advice from God. He gained great victories by obeying God but His choices were a result of his attidude toward God. When he won the victory over the Edomities as a result of obeying God his must have thoght He was now a Great war hero and it attracked him to the gods of the Edomites. Our pride will always lead us the gods of the edomites: attractive. alluring, pwerless,, false ................

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Where is this music coming from?

I normally use Firefox browser for my internet needs and there is no music playing but if you use internet explorer you may here a combination of a song that sounds like Kojak and Monday night football .. don't know which application is causing it . I guess just enjoy the music !

Snow Snow and more snow

It is a beautiful snow covered day here in Mccalla.. with about 1.5 inches of snow and more to come.. Needles to say We haves Cancelled services today at Brooklane. I called Bro. Harter this morning and He said he was all snuggled up in his chair . I toldhim cancelling services was always a no win scenario . If you cancel then you are a compromiser and if you don't your insane. We will leave that interpretation to the reader ! Hey, lets go build a snow man !