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Monday, March 02, 2009

A hasty evening service

After spending the day playing in 4 - 5 inch snow I was gettig ready to settle down to a short nap when low and behold it was decided to have evening service. There werent many there but the service was a special blessing . Bro Harter spoke on King Amaziah I love reading and hearing about the Kings. For 35 years I have sat and listened to Bro, Harter and it never ceases to amaze me how he can pull out something new. Our lives are the result of the sovereingty and providence of God and the choices we make. king Amaziah was given great gifts and advice from God. He gained great victories by obeying God but His choices were a result of his attidude toward God. When he won the victory over the Edomities as a result of obeying God his must have thoght He was now a Great war hero and it attracked him to the gods of the Edomites. Our pride will always lead us the gods of the edomites: attractive. alluring, pwerless,, false ................

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