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Friday, March 06, 2009

If all we had ......

Ever notice how the hymn Amazing Grace never gets old? This is one of the signs of a classic. This song is over 200 years old but it still sends chills up my spine every time I hear it. Every denomination claims it as their own. Every one who hears it for the first time says Where did that song come from?

One preacher asked a question what if we were stranded on a deserted island ands the only book we had to live by was the Bible. How would we live if we guided our lives only by it's dictates? On the same hand a comment made by "A mighty Fortress" on the previous post got me to thinking what if the only music we listened to was the Classic hymns of the faith.

Most of these songs where written by men such as Wesley, Watts, Luther, Toplady .... These men were preachers who knew the word of God. Many of their were sermons written in meter form... Just think the change in ones life who read only the Bible ... who sang only the hymns .... Wow!

Good comment A Mighty Fortress

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