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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The power of music

Like most things today there are 1000's of books out there by "experts". It seems I have missed out on millions by not writing a book. Thus are the musings on the dangers of the wrong kind of music and the power of the right kind of music.

When King Saul suffered from the evil spirit his counselors knew that the right kind of music could sooth the king and actually restore his ability to function. This has been known since the beginning of time. Music can affects us in many ways. Restaurants use it control the amount of food one eats and the speed in which they eat it. It can be used for crowd control. Have you ever came out of a place of business singing a song and you had no idea where it came from? Try to say the words of you favorite songs without the music. That can be tough.

How about the wrong kind of music? You know Satan does not nor has he ever played fair. He will use any means necessary to capture you. I do not believe we need to expose ourselves to the bad music of the world so that we can know how to avoid it. the Bible tells us: Eph 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; We need to focus on that and avoid the world's music as much as we can. We dont need to study the counterfeit in order to know the real. We ned to master the true Godly music that is out there. Learn of Wesley and Watts and others like them. They offer a lifetime of a Godly influence that can buils your faith and walk with the Lord

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