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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Depression in scripture

The word depression does not appear in the scripture but the scripture is full of examples of people suffering from it. From the Patriarchs to the Apostles all experienced this malady.

Some things I have observed in doing my study on King Saul and the evil spirit which seems to be a depression causing spirit, that should help us deal with depression

First, depression is primarily a spiritual issue. Saul suffered from this because of the choices he made. This is not always the case but it should be on of the first questions that we ask. Lord is this a result of sin in my life.

Secondly, this was a spiritual issue that had an outside influence. What has happened to all the demons of depression? They there in Davids day. When Jesus healed He also dealt with real live demons that were out to hurt people. I do believe that there are physical causes to depression that can be outside of our control but I wonder if there are alot of people out there with an evil spirit oppressing them and the drugs in their system are masking a spiritual problem that they are now unable to deal with because they are under the influence of a narcotic.

Third, the power of music can never be underestimated. I believe that music is one of the strongest opiates out there for either good or bad . Just try to take away some kids rock music from him or her. Saul's counselors recognised this power and found just the right person to help him with his evil spirit.

Finally, David was a mans man but it was music that gained him entrance into the King's palace.

1 comment:

A mighty Fortress said...

I believe that music is one of God's gifts to mankind. Today the world no longer has the music that is pleasing in God's eyes, but it's something that we cannot control if we keep listening to it. In fact in my eyes I don't even believe its music. No, the world can keep their music, I'm going to keep listening to hymns.